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Nothing Hidden

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Nothing Hidden

By Paulette Bullinger

During North Dakota’s early years, 1910-1912, south of Bismarck and Mandan, two young women build a friendship that spans the Missouri River. But when men enter their lives, jealousy and deception follow, and a mysterious death during a community dance begins a string of tragedies, unraveling their quiet lives. Decades later, a secret shared between a young girl and her aunt brings to light events from long ago, and brings hope for some form of salvation. Nothing Hidden reveals the early days of bootlegging, religious differences, estate problems, Native American trials and many more interesting North Dakota historical facts all in the form of this fictionalized account of a love-gone-wrong tragedy.

Paulette Bullinger grew up in the small town of Huff, North Dakota. She attended country school there and graduated from Mandan High School. Following high school, she graduated from the University of Mary with a B.S. degree in social work. She currently is employed at Odney in Bismarck as a media buyer/planner. She is married to Bob, and they own Circle Diamond Ranch Supply in Mandan, North Dakota. They have seven children and five grandchildren. Her interests are photography, history and now, writing. This is her first published work.

167 Pages Softcover

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