Bruce Gjovig's Innovator Books. Image

Bruce Gjovig's Innovator Books.

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Innovative Entrepreneurs of North Dakota and Northwest Minnesota: 150 Years of Impact!

This book profiles the innovators and entrepreneurs who founded 65 successful businesses in North Dakota and Northwest Minnesota over the past 150 years.  From the early Bonanza farms to retail, agriculture, financial, electronics and technology ventures, these stories illustrate the ingenuity and perseverance of these visionary individuals.

Innovators and Entrepreneurs From North Dakota

This second book by author Bruce Gjovig profiles more innovators and entrepreneurs - this time those who were born in North Dakota and went on to make a name for themselves in a variety of businesses across the nation and world. Like the first one published in December 2019, this 400-page book features 46 chapters highlighting the ingenuity and perseverance of these visionary individuals.

The Innovators from North Dakota: The Change Agents!

In his third volume of profiles of remarkable individuals who have called North Dakota home, author Bruce Gjovig writes about 36 innovators whose ideas and ingenuity have made a significant impact in their professions and in our lives today. These highly creative and competitive change agents made a difference in fields as diverse as education, government, manufacturing, food production, art, medicine and science.  Their stories are an inspiration to everyone who has brought new ideas to their work.  

Includes a foreword written by U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer.

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