"A band of adventurous boys armed with parental wisdoms, a few of which stuck crosswise instead of going in one ear and out the other" is how author J. David Erickson describes the characters in his book, The Muddy River Boys.
This collection of stories is set in the 1940s and '50 in the area around Williston, where Erickson and his brother were raised. At the age of five, Erickson was allowed to tag along with the boys of the Little Muddy River, including his brother, Jim, where he developed a passion for and eventually launched a career that included water, fish, and everything aquatic. Erickson spent 42 years as a fisheries scientist in the field of trout farming, is a past president of the United States Trout Farmers Association and a former member of the Idaho Water Resource Board. He now lives in Buhl, Idaho.
The 13 chapters in the book cover topics that many boys of his generation may have experienced,
265 softcover