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Forever Hopeful

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   In her new book Forever Hopeful: A Wife’s Story of Winter, Raylene Frankhauser Nickel shares her journey through loss after the death of her husband, John Nickel. This work is at once a record of grief and a journal of their shared faith and hope. Revealing their life lived together on a farm in North Dakota, Forever Hopeful tells their love story.

    She says in the preface: “. . . every human lifetime is remarkable for the attributes, the dreams, the ways of living and loving, that set it apart from the throng of mankind. These unique gifts are the idiosyncratic fingerprints of our spirits. Perhaps there comes a time for each of us to mark and honor in some way the singularity of these spiritual prints of those we love most deeply.”

    This work is, in the words of Kenneth Doka, senior consultant of the Hospice Foundation of America, “a touching memoir of love and loss. It offers validation, consolation, and most importantly hope, to those in the cold winter of grief.”

    In the foreword, author and grief specialist Harold Ivan Smith writes, “Forever Hopeful is good for the soul. It felt to my heart like a long, soaking rain.”

    Raylene Frankhauser Nickel has also authored A Prayer for the Prairie: Learning Faith on a Small Farm.

Softcover, 85 pages



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